I finally took the plunge this year to be my own boss after many years of pondering it. I realized if I don’t at least try then I will regret it at the end of my career, and time isn’t waiting for me.

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A related concept: why keep struggling with the same things that cause you pain, when you could do therapy or coaching and trade up?

This crazy planet is always going to cause us suffering, so why keep suffering in the same ways?

Why not go through the pain of engaging with the things that cause us to suffer today, so we can have new and different (and perhaps exciting?) ways of suffering tomorrow?

Time is going to pass. There is going to be suffering. Why not have new and different suffering instead of the same boring old suffering? Just a thought!

Meanwhile, by engaging with our boring old suffering and trading up for new, exciting suffering, we will also upgrade our lives and get more of the things we want. A nice side effect.

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I have taken more than "one big step" --and regret several of them (including the years and tears involved in my last book--100K+ words). Time would've been better spent with my family... There's more to life than "accomplishments" and productivity...

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At times I think moving toward anything new, even out of curiosity, is a big thing. The new thing may look like a big thing but the steps toward/away from "it" are all just steps and actions. It's the moving toward the new thing that's really rewarding...figuring out new things, new people, mmmmmmm

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This is what I needed today. Thank you.

I've been looking to start my own thing for a long time. I recently realized I need to develop an "action bias" that acknowledges the fears I might have about moving forward. Considering Time's unstoppable movement is another vote on moving towards what I want.

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Love this simple but often unspoken wisdom.

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